Destination: Taif

The price decreases when the number increases

Experience Taif

FromCHF 1,088CHF 508
2-Day tour
The price decreases when the number increases

Experience discovering Taif’s honey

FromCHF 262CHF 242
Including Transportation, Lunch, hospitality and tour guide
The price decreases when the number increases

Adventure of exploring the crater of Al Wahba volcano

FromCHF 338CHF 290
Including Transportation, Lunch, hospitality and tour guide
The price decreases when the number increases

Taif Tour

FromCHF 323CHF 249
1 Day tour
The price decreases when the number increases

Jeddah and Taif Tour

FromCHF 1,088CHF 508
2-Day tour
The price decreases when the number increases

Taif and Al-Baha Tour

FromCHF 1,042CHF 758
3-Day tour
The price decreases when the number increases

Discover the Green Sarawat Mountains (6-day trip)

FromCHF 3,174CHF 1,678
Includes transportation, accommodation, meals, hospitality and a tour guide

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