Al-Ukhdood Archeological City, previously called ( Raqmat ) , is considered one of the most important archeological sites in Najran region The location of Al-Ukhdood city is the same location where the old Najran city existed. It lies at the Al-Qabel village at the southern edge of the Najran valley. The site consists of a city surrounded by a wall 235 meters in length and 220 meters in width. Al-Ukhdood founded as early as the 7th century BC, this former farming community survived possibly until the 10th century AD The name Al-Ukhdood means ‘the ditch’, sometimes ‘the trench’, sometimes ‘the groove The castle represents the main period of settlement in Al-Ukhdood, which may have continued till the end of the third century. This area coincided with the flourishing of the civilization of south of the Arabian peninsula as well as the period after the civilization of south of the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic civilization period Al-Ukhdood contains a lot of sculptures, wonderful drawings, Sabaeans and Kuffis Calligraphist. although picking your way through the crumbling stone walls and searching for Thaumidic inscriptions can be a pleasant way to pass a time.